Report of management operation and tourism development 6/2018 and the core task of July 2018 of Hanoi Tourism Department, first 5 months of 2018, international visitors to Hanoi accounts for 39% total foreign tourists to Vietnam.
Specifically, in June 2018, tourists to Hanoi estimated at 2,426,318 arrivals, up 9% over the same period last year. International visitors estimated at 402,778 arrivals, up 24% over the same period last year. International arrivals estimated at 290,000 arrivals, up 25% over the same period.
As a result, domestic tourists estimated at 2,023,540 arrivals, increase 6% over the same period; Total revenue from visitors is estimated at 6,485 billiondong, up 5% over the same period last year. May 2018, the market share of international tourists to Hanoi accounted for 37% of the total number of international tourists to Vietnam.